
Wednesday, September 19, 2012


            The music of Kraftwerk was not something that I though I would not like beforehand but was greatly surprised that while I was listening to it I found that I really enjoyed it. The only thing I really though was lacking in the whole song was the lyrics. The lyrics were extremely simplistic and really said nothing other than the obvious that yes it is fun to drive on the autobahn. The do however provide the rhythmic motif for most of the song. The composition is really where this group shines. They take you through these long composed pieces that seems to take you somewhere hen you listen to it yet always keeping the same motif of the lyrics. Another thing about Kraftwerk that is pretty remable is that the time in which they were making music. They sound nothing like other popular music of the early seventies. They were definitely more about making art then they were about making money and it shows in their music.
The release of autobahn is both what propelled Kraftwerk into success and changed the direction of their musical career. They get newer technology that gives them the ability to make more complex and in my opinion much better music. Autobahn also gave them an international fan base, which then led to them being able to also go on extended tours. Autobahn also gave then an all-new musical direction then they were previously. Prior to 1974 kraftwerk was much more experimental and less musically structured than they were afterward. But it seems that they grew more as musicians on autobahn and later.
Kraftwerk had a great influence on electronic music made after them. I think this is due to two things. The first being that they did an amazing job at recreating all the instruments that were not actual instruments. The bass sounds like a bass and you can hear other recognizable rhythm elements. The next being that they were one of the first to compose using mostly electronic instruments and they were really one of the very first to have commercial success doing it.  They were able to blend elements from many different styles and use of modern technology to make something that people would actually listen to.
As a listener I would say that the impression that Kraftwerk left on me was that theses people sound so ahead of their time as far as electronic music goes. I found they’re music to be a lot better than I expected it to be, the lyric again weren’t the best but I thought the instrumentation was great. As an audio professional I get the impression that kraftwerk must have known a lot about synthesis and the way electronics work for the time when they started. In most other kinds of music they really don’t use too much electronic instruments except for pianos and synth in bands. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steve,

    First of all great post, I really agree with you on the bulk of the post. I like how you talked about the fact that their compositions are what made them shine. I felt that their sound fit their industrial and robotic image perfectly, and in part I think that’s why they made their lyrics short and basic. If they would have added complex words it might have taken away from their robotic image and would have added a human touch, which doesn’t really fit the bill with them in my eyes. One thing I noticed in your post was you really didn’t cover the albums that much besides Autobahn. Other then that and a couple of spelling errors it was a very solid read, Great job!

    Reilly Parsons
